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Foto da flor dente-de-leão, com sementes voando. Representa o ato de comunicar.

Our mission is to communicate, propagate and expand ideas, dreams and projects.

Semente de dente-de-leão ao vento. Representa a propagação de ideias.

Why Kaaoby


Ka'a-oby comes from Tupi and means green forest.

Semente de dente-de-leão ao vento. Representa a propagação de ideias.

More than a name, it's a motto,

an inspiration for our creations.

Semente de dente-de-leão ao vento. Representa a propagação de ideias.

The same care and love for the Earth, animals and people sews our writing, editing, revision, imagination, creation, publication, dissemination and propagation of ideas, projects, dreams.

Semente de dente-de-leão, representando a propagação de ideias.
Foto da flor dente-de-leão, com sementes voando. Representa o ato de comunicar.


Foto da jornalista Ana Vilela.

Ana Vilela

General coordination, writing and editing

With more than 25 years of experience, she works as a communication manager, reporter and editor. She worked in several institutions, such as the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), Superior Court of Justice (STJ) and Federal Court of Accounts  (TCU). She holds a Master's in Literature by University of Brasília (UnB).

Foto da jornalista Caroline Cardoso.

Caroline Cardoso

Journalism, writing, editing, proofreading 

Journalist, doctor and master in Linguistics, licensed and bachelor in Letters, she has experience as a freelance writer, copy editor and proofreader since 1996, working with corporate and individual clients.

Bruna Machado

Advertising, marketing

Graduated in Letters and in Social Communication - Publicity and Propaganda, she has more than 20 years of experience in Communication and Marketing, developing and implementing actions focused on brand results for development and consolidation.

Foto da publicitária Bruna Machado.

Marcela Saad

Digital marketing and network management

In almost 20 years of experience, he worked at the Federal Senate, at the Press Office and at Radio. In 2004, he helped to implement the website of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) and had long experience at the Ministry of the Environment (2013 to 2019), where he was in charge of social networks.

Foto da gestora de Marketing Digital Marcela Saad.

Our clients

Logo e link da Fundação Verde Herbert Daniel, verde e branca.
Capa e link para a revista Pensar Verde com o tema "A esperança feita por e para os brasileiros".
Logo e link do projeto "Cadeias de Valor Sustentáveis".
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